Working Out At Home
Published by John Stein on
Working Out At Home
Working out at home can seem like a subpar option compared to the gym, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. With minimal to none home gym equipment you can get a killer workout at home. Working out at home is great cause you can play whatever music you want (even have an active recovery dance party) and you can wear whatever you want (suggest wearing at least some type of pants). So there are some clear benefits.
This article will provide you with a comprehensive overview to working out at home. You will find everything you need to know from equipment to workouts. There are tons of free workouts in this article that will keep you busy for months with many involving no equipment at all. This article will be updated periodically with new videos and workouts so be sure to bookmark it or subscribe to get weekly updates.

There are tons of options for equipment to buy to workout at home with. Here are some of my favorites with links to my favorite brands:
- Resistance Bands
- Pull Up Bar
- Dumbbells (Adjustable for more options)
- Adjustable Bench
Workout 1:
2-5 rounds with 30 – 60 seconds rest between rounds
Squats 15 reps
Push Ups 10 reps
Russian Twist 20 reps
Reverse Lunge 10 reps each side
Plank 30 seconds
Single Leg RDL 8 reps each side
Workout 2:
2-5 rounds with 30 – 60 seconds rest between rounds
High Knees 30 seconds
Inchworms 30 seconds
Mountain Climbers 30 seconds
Walking Lunges 30 seconds
Shoulder Taps 30 seconds
Side Bounds 30 seconds
Workout 3:
Set timer for 20 minutes. Perform the following circuit as many times as possible. Take 30-60 seconds rest between rounds or 15 seconds between exercises.
10 push ups/incline push ups
10 bodyweight squats/ jump squats
10 bear crawls
10 jumping jacks
Workout 4:
3-5 rounds with 30-60 seconds rest between rounds
10 Lunges each side
5 Pike push ups
20 Shoulder Taps
10 Push Ups
20 Plank Jacks
20 Russian Twists
20 Sit Ups
Workout 5:
2-5 rounds Do each exercise for 30 seconds with 2 minute rest between each round
Glute Bridge
Plank to Push Up
Leg Lifts
Jump Squats
Workout 6:
Full Body Pyramid: Video Demonstration
Start with 10 reps of each exercise then do 9 reps, 8 rep, etc. all the way to 1 rep.
Push Ups
Glute Bridges
Workout 1:
2-5 rounds 30 – 60 seconds rest between rounds
Goblet Squat 10
Floor Press 10
Romanian Deadlift 10
Bent Over Row 10
Curl to Press 10
Plank Pull Through 10
Reverse Lunge 10 each
Workout 2:
Set timer for 20 minutes. Perform the following circuit as many times as possible. Take 30-60 seconds rest between rounds or 15 seconds between exercises.
10 Bodyweight walk-outs to push-ups
10 Goblet Squats
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Overhead Presses
Workout 3:
2-5 sets of each circuit 30 – 60 seconds rest between rounds
Superset 1:
10 each side Renegade Row
10 Floor Press
Superset 2:
10 Goblet Squat
10 Romanian Deadlift
Superset 3:
10 Reverse Fly
10 Bicep Curls
Workout 4:
Set your timer for 15 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible of this circuit:
10 Goblet Squats
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Glute Bridges
10 Shoulder Taps
Workout 1: Resistance Bands
2-5 rounds for each circuit 30-60 seconds rest between rounds
Circuit 1:
Squats 10
Band Pull Aparts 12
Chest Press 10
Circuit 2:
Lunges 8 each side
Pallof Press 10 each side
Row 10
Circuit 3:
Lateral Raise 8 each side
Tricep Kickback 10
Bicep Curls 10
This article will be consistently updated over the coming weeks so be sure to subscribe to keep updated.
If you have any questions or need help with anything reach out to me via email ( and I will be more than happy to help.